Unity Hall to Host “Of Time and Place – A Musical Canvas”
Jun. 11 2024

Unity Hall to Host “Of Time and Place – A Musical Canvas”

Multi-Media Event Featuring Artist, Mary Murphy
Pianists, Tina Toglia & Nicholas German
Sunday, June 30, 3pm

Unity Hall is thrilled to host the creative multi-media performance “Of Time and Place – A Musical Canvas” on Sunday, June 30, at 3:00pm. This dynamic performance premiered to an enthusiastic audience at Munson in January 2024. The “Musical Canvas” program features visual artist, Mary Murphy, pianists Tina Toglia and Nicholas German, and is narrated by Peter Loftus. The performance is an exploration of the connection between visual art and music. The inspiration for this special program is the Swale Pond Bird and Wildlife Sanctuary in Trenton, NY.

Following the January event at Munson, one audience member said, “Now, more than ever before, every time I look at a painting, I’ll hear music, and whenever I hear music, I’ll be seeing paint strokes and colors in my mind…The two art forms (visual and auditory) are inseparable, and your event bonded them forever in my mind. A gift of a lifetime…” (Martha Deming, artist).

During the music, Ms. Murphy will present a video montage of her paintings and photographs of the Swale Sanctuary. She will also paint live on stage, projecting her work simultaneously onto a large screen. The accompanying live music incorporates nature-inspired pieces by Germaine Tailleferre, Rachel Porter, Jean-Philippe Rameau, Claude Debussy, and Edward Marcus.

The music also includes premiere performances of works by composers Ryan McQuay Meredith and JJ Hollingsworth, commissioned especially for this program. There will be a “Meet the Artists” talk, moderated by Peter Loftus following the performance.

The performance of “Of Time and Place – A Musical Canvas” will be at 3pm on Sunday, June 30 at Unity Hall, 101 Vanderkemp Ave, Barneveld. Tickets will be available at the door. Admission to the concert is $10 for adults, $5 for those under 18. All proceeds to benefit the Unity Hall Foundation.

This performance is made possible by funding from the Syracuse Sounds of Music Association and the Statewide Community Regrants Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature and administered by CNY Arts.