Beatles Mural/Fab Four

The mural is located on the wall of an alley, directly between Paddywacks & Dreamy’s Candy. The above address is for Dreamy’s but will bring you to the location!
Artist: T Rand/Tim Rand
Info: A large mural featuring the Fab Four, made using acrylic paint, painting, and spray painting.
About the artist: T Rand is known for creating very large portrations of the “famous, infamous, and appallingly normal”, as he describes them. According to his website, Tim Rand didn’t always want to be an artist. He recalls that one day as he was sitting in study hall and drawing a nine-paneled portrait in a ballpoint pen. His substitute teacher handed him a few pages of math problems to solve and told him, “art is worthless.”
That phrase apparently stuck with Tim, because he decided to prove him wrong and create. He hasn’t looked back since! Tim’s website says, “Painting is many things. It is problem solving. It is peace, and a bit of chaos. It’s staring at a blank canvas for hours before the first momentous stroke and it is showing the world that there is no right answer to every question. Art is a beautiful conundrum. But if there is one small word to describe what art means to me, that word is truth. I paint because I must, and I really do enjoy it.”
About the mural: The mural, completed in 2012, was the result of a business owner in T Rand’s hometown of Clinton approaching him with an idea for a mural of the Beatles. T Rand thought this would be a great fit with his style. For his portraits, Rand works in either a grid, block, or more traditional style. For this painting, he placed each face within a grid, by deconstructing the face into a number of small squares. The quality captures the dynamic, ever-changing aspect of the humanity represented.
In this portrait, the four faces are rendered in stark black and white, but contrast sharply against the vivid red and golden yellow background. This beautiful mural has helped brighten up the West Park Row alley, and is a popular spot for anyone visiting Clinton for shopping, food, or a visit to the Farmer’s Market.